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Contact usThe thermal spring at Fonteverde bubbles with hot water packed with valuable minerals and trace elements from the aquifer of Mount Amiata, an old extinct volcano.
Back in the days of the Etruscans and Romans, and more recently in Renaissance times, its healing powers were well-known.
The water has an antiinflammatory and relaxing effect and it is an extraordinary tool for preventive healthcare and treatment.
Its anti-inflammatory effect can be boosted by different applications. Mature thermal mud is an excellent heat transmitter and contains precious concentrated thermal trace elements that have analgesic, relaxing and detoxing effects. The thermal water is also beneficial for the respiratory system: it is used for inhalation treatments, aerosols, nasal irrigation and humage therapy, it cures many ailments, stimulates the immune system, and leaves the mucous membranes healthy.
It is also a healthy drink: the right amount in the morning, on an empty stomach, has detoxing, purifying, digestive and antioxidant effects.