We are excited to announce another victory of Fonteverde Lifestyle & Thermal Retreat at International Spa & Beauty Awards 2024 by Awards by Golden Tree – Dubai, UAE as the Best Luxury Resort Spa in Italy.
Easter at Fonteverde is a wonderful time: the beautiful Tuscan spring, a magnificent Renaissance palace, and wellness and relaxation in the natural spa with its thermal waters.
Treat yourself to an unforgettable spring holiday in the most beautiful part of Tuscany, to discover the wonders of a Reinaissance villa and its natural thermal spring, in the enchanting Val d’Orcia.
The Ayurvedic Programme stems from a partnership between Master Dipu, and the resort’s team of specialists, trains guests to become more aware of our perceptions, to pay closer attention to what we feel and what is happening in our body, helping us get rid of stress-related reflexes and bad habits.
Extend your wellness experience: book 3 nights for the price of 2 and enjoy the third night free, giving you more time to relax in the thermal baths and enjoy the timeless beauty of Val d'Orcia.
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